Sunday, March 14, 2021

“Remoted” Day 363 (Sunday)

Saturday night had a moment of confusion when I thought it was Sunday and then panicked because no laundry had been done. It felt great to realize that all of Sunday still lay before me. Then, I forgot about the clock changing and stayed up later than usual. Before going to bed at close to midnight, the kitchen clock was changed and just like that it was nearly 1:00 am.

Moose awoke at his customary 6:00, which was 7:00 today and felt like a bonus. It was followed by  being tired all day from staying up later than usual and then losing an hour of sleep due to the time change. Napping was avoided to ensure a decent night's sleep tonight.

Most of the day was consumed with rearranging artwork, and it still isn’t great. After taking down two things previously hung on the bathroom wall behind the toilet, the task procrastination process kicked in with lunch preparations and a veggie stir fry with farro and feta cheese emerged. Many hours later, after the wall was rehung, ravioli with onion, green pepper, diced tomatoes, and pesto was made for supper. Laundry happened after supper, avoiding a true and legitimate Sunday night panic attack.

Hung for now.
Still don't love it.
I don’t understand what it is about this house, but I have the hardest time hanging stuff. Previous dwellings were easy to decorate. It was like the walls spoke to me and told me what they wanted. I would be in an art gallery and see something and know exactly where it would go. This house gives me the silent treatment, and everything hung feels forced. It’s annoying. Part of the problem is stupidly placed light switches. An overabundance of artwork is tucked in drawers, storage totes, and shelves. New pieces have been bought, which end up waiting for years to be displayed. 

Today saw calculations and art layouts on the floor. A couple pieces were even hung in the office. There were nails pounded into the bathroom wall, some of which turned out to be the wrong places and the stuff that made it onto the wall is now hiding a few excess nail holes. It’s kind of okay, because as soon as I finally choose a better color, the bathroom is being painted, and all the holes will be patched and the entire hanging process repeated. Of course, if it takes as long as it did to choose a kitchen paint color, I have a few more years. Maybe the house will start talking to me by then.

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