Saturday, March 13, 2021

“Remoted” Day 362 (Saturday)

The sunshine was deceptive today. It looked warm like the 60-plus degrees of Friday, but it was only in the 30s and 40s. The winds that blew in Friday night lingered a bit, and it felt like a letdown that the three warm days of the week were work days where I was indoors at the computer all day except for a few brief trips to the back yard, usually to harvest poop.

It was a leisurely morning of drinking coffee and watching Golden Girls. There were no dental or vet appointments, but part of the reason for that was the vet is only open two Saturdays a month and this wasn’t one of them. It was a bit unfortunate, because the dogs have a new a prescription resulting from a test during Winton’s visit last Saturday. During the week, there was a call that his fecal test showed roundworms. The test was specific enough to specify it was from ingesting cat poop, so big thanks to the neighborhood cats making pit stops in the yard and leaving tasty tidbits for the poop connoisseurs under my roof.

How is she old
enough to drive?
My sister, the superhero, sprang to action and visited the vet for me Friday to pick up the prescription so I didn't need to take time from work to drive to Fitchburg during the week. This afternoon, we met partway between our homes at the parking area for the Rail Trail in Pepperell, for the pet prescription handoff. This allowed my youngest niece to get some driving time in, and I was spared the full trip. It was both fun and somewhat astounding to see her behind the wheel. She was just a beautiful baby, like, yesterday. How is it possible she is now a beautiful teenager old enough to drive? Despite feeling ancient seeing my youngest niece driving, it was fun seeing her and my sister for our brief visit. It was chilly, so we we didn't venture out onto the Rail Trail

Because Winston tested positive for roundworms during his routine check, the vet and I assumed both dogs probably have them so Moose is also being treated. Fun fact – it cost $60 for the stuff to treat the two dogs for roundworms from the free cat poop. Now I get to imagine myself a chemist as I mix Panacur Granules into their supper for five days. This is in addition to the morning medical duties of burying capsules in meatballs of canned food and and twice daily insulin. The fun never stops here. Ever. Oddly, I can't remember to take my own multivitamin, but the medication for the dogs is always religiously administered. Someday I'll get around to my own stuff. Maybe.

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