Thursday, March 4, 2021

“Remoted” Day 353 (Thursday)

The week is passing quickly. Friday eve already! It was another mostly ordinary day and work was appropriately busy. 

Winston and his love nest.
The unusual aspect of the day was Winston. First, he molested a dog bed with amorous intent during my work team video meeting. It was, of course, the bed located directly next to the desk. He’s gotten friendly with the toss pillows on the couch, too, so those are no longer left as decorator elements and live out of reach, perched on the back edge of the couch. After today's passionate interlude, he stood in the bed with his tail tucked, staring intently at nothing I could see. He just stood there like a statue for several minutes, hyper focused, nose twitching, eyes fixed at something across the room. So weird, and slightly creepy.  

The weekend approaches and once again, my Saturday is dominated by a medically-related visit. This time it’s the vet and routine shots for Winston. On the bright side, it gets me out of the house. On the less bright side, there is no real desire or interest in leaving the house, so it doesn’t exactly feel like a win. I still haven’t managed to explore the recipes in the Finnish Cookbook, despite the arrival of rye flour. I keep thinking, “Maybe next weekend,” and then the weekend comes and things are not baked. Instead, dentists and vets are visited.

The only remotely fun part to the vet and dentist trips is listening to the radio on the drive. Weekend radio songs sometimes seep into the week like a movie soundtrack, and several mornings this week included waking up with the chorus to “Making Bad Decisions” by The Strokes playing in my head. I’ll be measuring the coffee and suddenly “Oh, making bad decisions, Oh, making bad decisions,” is rattling around in my cranial cavity. Maybe the Universe is trying to tell me the coffee is a bad decision. I hope there is a good song playing at some point on Saturday during the driving, because it would be nice to change out this song for a new one.

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