Friday, September 20, 2024

random thoughts – Day 1,640 – (Friday) – working with oldies

The weather talk top topic for the past couple days has been rain. Mostly, how there hasn’t been any for 29 or so days, the longest time since some magical benchmark, blah, blah. I only half listened because after I had heard “chance of rain Friday and Saturday” I had what I needed to know and tuned out.

Safe for wet weather.
Wet weather footwear choices avoid anything real leather or suede, which is kind of easy because practically everything is vinyl nowadays anyway. Today’s choice was the modern silver platform interpretation of the old classic wing-tip oxfords. Water resistant, and the platform is enough to keep hems out of puddles. Perfect! 

The Farmer’s Market, just a couple blocks from the office, advertised a Food Truck Festival, which seemed like a fun lunchtime option, but the Farmer’s Market runs from 2:00 to 6:00 and I’m hours past lunch by the time it starts, and it's too early for supper. Today had the added elements of being chilly and drizzly, so there were no trips outside for me. When I left for the day, there was zero interest in taking the walk in the direction opposite my assigned garage.

The day had a musical theme today and it was Chopin. There was a song playing in ballet class last night that I remembered dancing to at the Marion Rice Dance Studio when in high school. Someone used Shazam to get the title, but it was listed with the pianist on the recording and not the composer. And the title wasn’t anything memorable, it was one of those “some thing in some key” names.

Today I tapped into You Tube, my favorite “drown out the office noise” companion and landed on the complete piano works of Chopin. The collection was listed as being 14 hours and 50 minutes long (no, I’m not making this up). With meetings, and work conversations and so on, about an hour of it played during the afternoon and the recording didn’t list the individual titles, so even if I guessed correctly that it was a Chopin piece that I heard last night, I still wouldn’t know the title.

Much like a dog with a bone, I will likely keep trying to find the name of the composition, for a few days anyway, until the day I forget about it. There will be a romp through Chopin and maybe Schubert and whoever else comes to mind. I should start with composers with the smallest catalogues so it will feel like progress. Or, I’ll find something new to fixate on and puzzle over and this will just be another rabbit hole in life that soon will pass, but I’ll enjoy it while it lasts. When I say I like oldies music, I mean really old oldies. Music from the 1980s is great, but I like my oldies to come from around 1780 give or take a century or so.

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