Sunday, September 8, 2024

random thoughts – Day 1,635 – (Sunday) – rug work and kiki-proofing

Sunday as a day of rest has never really taken hold at my house. I tend to loaf off most of the day on Saturday and then make up for it by tackling a bunch of things on Sunday. Plus, Monday is trash pickup day, so it seems to make sense to vacuum and empty the canister. There is the litter box cleaning, refrigerator sweep, emptying of various small wastebaskets, and the rolling of the trash bin to the curb

Back in place.
Today involved some additional hard labor in the bedroom when I finally got around to Kiki-proofing the box spring and repositioning the rug. It occurred to me a month or so ago that a deep pocket fitted sheet on the underside of the box spring should fix the problem of the tattered fabric allowing easy access into the framework. Stapling the fabric had been considered, but the stapler doesn't open up to allow stapling on a flat surface, and the nonwoven material is shredded and disintegrated beyond repair from the frequent movement of under bed storage boxes being slid out and back. 

And suddenly, today, there I was, finally doing the thing. It required tipping the mattress on its side, then flipping the box spring on its side to put the sheet on. The rug adjustment project was to fix the position of the area rug that sits on top of the vivid blood colored wall-to-wall carpeting and somehow manages to shift a good six to eight inches across the floor while the bed is on top of it. It’s another one of life’s mysteries. That required stacking the two plastic lidded boxes and the several plastic storage bags in the only place available, which happened to be in front of the door, essentially barricading myself in the room for the duration, which was one way to make sure the job was finished.

To adjust the area rug involved rolling one edge of the rug up to the edge of the bed, then grabbing it from the free edge and yanking it in the direction needed. It took a lot of yanks to get it where it belongs. While the rung was rolled, the carpet underneath was vacuumed. While the box spring and mattress were off the frame, the area under the bed got a good vacuuming.

When the rug situation was finally resolved, the mattress was rotated 180-degrees. It is one of those pillow-top things that can’t be flipped, so the head to foot rotation is the extent of it, and it’s really a two-person task. The whole project is a lot faster as a two-person task, and I have a newly-reinforced admiration for mattress delivery people, maids, and anyone who does this sort of thing on the regular. It was a workout. There was sweat involved, which didn’t even happen when I was going to the gym. Later, the freshly laundered sheets were returned to the bed, which felt like child’s play after the earlier labor.

Now, I need to prepare for Kiki’s next foray into the bedroom, because she is likely going to be an unhappy little camper when she tries to crawl up into the box spring and is blocked by the tan cotton sheet that was definitely not there before. It will not be a pretty day.

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