Thursday, September 12, 2024

random thoughts – Day 1,639 – (Thursday) – shake-ups and footwork

It’s been a self-inflicted schedule shakeup this week. On Wednesday, after scrutinizing my calendar and verifying there were no meetings, I decided to take Friday as a vacation day. That bumped the second day in the office to today. There was morning closet heartache and angst while trying to find some pants that fit. On the Friday office day, jeans are allowed, but Thursday is a different story. Three pairs of pants hit the reject pile before I found a pair that could be zipped. Ugh.

After work, there was a traffic-inflicted headache on the ride home. So many drivers being rude and aggressive and cutting people off! all I wanted to do was get home and change for ballet class and give Kiki some pats and love, before heading back out the door. 

Waze guided me on a different route than last week’s jaunt down I-95. Tonight, it was all winding back roads past beautiful homes and for a solid half-hour I had absolutely no clue what towns I was passing through. Nothing was familiar until the junction of Route 2 near Walden Pond, and even that was more of a brief flash than a full memory. But shortly thereafter, I arrived in Wayland at the ballet studio.

There were four students in class tonight. I had new ballet slippers freshly arrived on Wednesday from the shopping jungle of the Amaz*n. They are a stretchy canvas instead of leather, and I like the way they hug the arches of my feet. It felt like magic dancing off the dust of the day, practicing at the barre and traversing the floor diagonally with various steps. So familiar, and it felt so good.

Treasures from the Amaz*n.
The new ballet slippers, along with ten lace headbands for belly dance and yoga/water shoes for vacation, were bought with credit card rewards points, making them practically free. The kicker is, the set of headbands was bought primarily for the purple one, to go with my dance skirt, but the color is darker than I thought it would be, and more of a dark eggplant color. Errr…. Oh well. 

After class, Kiki was adorably seeking head rubs. Then I freaked her out by showing her a stuffed fish toy. She hauled butt out of the living room like something was chasing her. In my fantasy life with Keeks, some day she will have a favorite toy and she will curl up in my lap with it and we will be a picture of domestic tranquility worthy of a painting. It’s important to have life goals. Or delusions. 

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