Wednesday, September 11, 2024

random thoughts – Day 1,638 – (Wednesday) – food, dramas, fashion

Wednesday means downtown to the office day, and today was our quarterly group lunch. The idea is, the whole team eats lunch together, either at a restaurant or with takeout/delivery. So far, we’ve had deli food from Lou’s Deli and eaten Greek food at Athenian Corner. Today, we ordered food from Mandarin Asian Bistro and ate at the office.

The menu there has a Chinese food section and a Japanese food section and it’s huge. Large menus stress me out in much the same way as the cereal aisle at Market Basket, which gives me anxiety. There are too many options screaming for attention and it becomes overwhelming. When I’m hungry, like I was today when scrolling through the seemingly endless online menu, it’s worse. The headache that started pounding may have been from hunger, but it might also have been from the magnitude of the menu.

Teriyaki salmon bento box lunch.
I couldn’t remember the last time I had Chinese or Japanese food, or even what I used to like. There were combos and bento boxes and sushi and all manner of dishes. I finally narrowed it down to tofu pad Thai or a teriyaki salmon bento box. In the end, the variety offered by the bento box with its miso soup and salad won out. It was delicious. And filling. 

The volume of food was much more than I usually eat for lunch and I was uncomfortably full for the rest of the day, so much so that I skipped supper. 

Tonight's K-drama 
 fashion item.
Back at home, it was a dive back into Love Next Door, the Korean drama I recently started watching on Netflix. This one is set in current times and I am once again sucked into the fashions and the home furnishings. This one features food, and now I’ll be dying for bibimbap and scallion pancake and all the side dishes, and searching online for the hot pink bomber jacket and the oversized gray sweatshirt with studded swirls on the sleeves photographed off the TV after pausing the show. 

A potentially excessive number of photos in my phone are shots grabbed from K-dramas with clothing, food, artwork, and even doors seen in a show that I decided I need some day. Of course, some day isn’t actually a day of the week, so I should probably get busy on figuring out specifics. The food might be the easiest. Time to make a plan.

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