Monday, September 2, 2024

random thoughts – Day 1,629 – (Monday) – labor day 2024

The Labor Day holiday was equal parts leisure and labor, with a dash of mystery. There was no plan (as usual) except to read the book for Book Club tomorrow night. The morning included coffee, the reading of news, social media, and the book. There was a brief glimmer of an idea to mount and matt some recently printed photos.

There was vacuuming and the cleaning of the litter box. Weeds were pulled. Trash was bagged and the bin rolled to the curb for pickup tomorrow. The dishwasher was emptied. The yard was mowed. The chores were done during pauses in Netflix shows.

The temptress, one day last week.
Meanwhile, Kiki, who has lulled me into another false sense of security with all her coy meows and stretches on the living room rug, and requests for head rubs, slipped off for an outlaw holiday at Camp BoxSpring. Mid-morning, as I sat on the couch, still in a cotton kimono, it occurred to me that she hadn’t been seen in an unspecified measure of time. I checked all the regular spots, including the box spring and didn’t see her. 

The bedroom door was open because when I went downstairs, the door must have been left open, with the plan to start the coffee maker and return immediately upstairs to dress. Instead, I forgot about the open door and sat on the couch for a couple hours, drinking coffee, playing Wordle and Words with Friends and all the other time suck phone stuff.

Meanwhile, the little feline explorer who hasn’t even gone to the top of the stairs in weeks (that I know of), was probably making notes. She saw the opportunity in my sloth and quietly did her thing. I imagined her silent amusement as she heard me calling her name and looking for her, especially when I looked into the box spring the first time and didn’t see her.

She has been reclining in her palace of peace and quiet for at least ten hours. It’s possible that she came out and returned while I was mowing the yard. Eventually, she will exit the fortress for food, water, and the freshly changed litterbox. And I will risk a broken hip and run up the stairs to shut the door that should have been closed this morning.

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