Friday, May 17, 2024

random thoughts – Day 1,520 – (Friday) – sunshine and kim bap

Sidewalk concert.
The weather was nice, with a temperature on the cusp of 70 degrees. The workload felt more civilized and less crippling than in the past couple weeks and I was able to get outside for a walk. It was a quick loop over by one of the canals and Appleton Street. 

Lots of people were out enjoying the day, walking, chatting, sitting on benches. Outside one converted mill building, a small audience listened to a guitarist playing from a wheelchair. He was very good, but I couldn't hang around for the rest of his concert. There was a pace to maintain and tasks back at the office.

A crisp, chilled salad for lunch felt suitably filling at the time, but a few hours later, I was hungry. By 4:00, I was starving and trying to hang on until 5:00 quitting time. The emergency provisions in the desk drawer are currently limited to a couple coffee cups. 

While finishing things up for the day and week, my mind wandered to what was available for potential supper at home. The freezer is packed full, but everything recollected was more of an ingredient than a quick to heat meal.

I love you, kim bap.
The wheels were turning, and soon my head was filed with thoughts of kim bap from the new shop near house. That pretty much settled it, and on the way home there was a stop to pick some up. Four customers were in the place when I arrived and I got to see the ramen bar in action. Some of the stainless steel machines on the counter were in use. Each of the customers had a large stainless steel bowl with ramen on the warmer of the machine. Two of the customers ordered Brown Sugar Milk and now I'm curious about that. 

There was more signage in the shop than the last time I was there. One listed additional items for the ramen, others explained how to make the ramen in the machines and when to add other items like the egg, cheese, and whatever. It was interesting, and I’ll probably try it some day. For now, I'm happy for access to kim bap.

After supper, it was TV time. Madame Web was finished, and the new season of Bridgerton started. I had forgotten that the plan was to mow the yard, and when I remembered, it was still light out and possible, but I decided to skip it. Maybe tomorrow. For now, it's time to savor Friday.

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