Sunday, May 5, 2024

random thoughts – Day 1,508 – (Sunday) – rainday

The trees are still flowering along the Sunday morning route out of Lowell. The ride today had some extra elements. There was what seemed like an abundance of unalived opposums in the road. There was almost an incident involving my vehicle and a squirrel who doubled back after getting halfway across the road, but it was narrowly averted. Later, a bright red fox dashed across the road in front of me, but it was on a mission and kept running in a predictable path.

More buds than ever.
There were police directing traffic for the antique engine show I forgot was happening despite seeing the sign for a few weeks, but it didn’t create a slowdown. Newer signs along the road in Pepperell indicate there is a motorcycle ride on May 19 that I’ll be glad to avoid because I’ll be at the Lowell General Hospital TeamWalk for Cancer Care that morning.

There were no cinco de Mayo activities in my day. It was a regular Sunday (rain and all), and the afternoon was occupied with salad making (and eating), TV watching, and laundry. A trip was made to the back yard to set a fence cap back. They are often knocked off by the squirrels as they run along the fence top. 

The lilac has more buds than ever, and they are on the brink of fully blooming. It really seems to have settled in, just as I'm thinking it might need to be dug up and moved to accommodate a shed replacement. 

As I watched TV from the couch, Kiki watched me from the comfort of her little hidey bed under the buffet in the adjoining dining room. I could see part of her face and one eye in the opening. I hope her studies of the Sunday activities indicate that there is no risk to her and maybe she can start reducing her distance.

Monday is trash day, so Sunday includes wastebasket and litter box duty. Once I began cleaning the litter box, Kiki vacated her little fort and headed behind the couch. Maybe she was embarrassed to see me cleaning her poop. Usually she isn't around when I tend to her box.

Lake Lafayette is high in the rain.
The trash bag was readied and the gutter over the front door dripped on my head as brought it to the barrel. I’m pretty thoroughly over the entire idea of rain at this point. The barrel wasn’t rolled to the curb because the level was high at Lake Lafayette at the foot of the driveway. It glowed with the evening lights. 

The lake puddle is usually too deep to walk through in regular shoes and I wasn’t in the mood to pull out the rain boots just for that. If the puddle is smaller in the morning, it will be rolled out then. If not, oh well. The usual half bag of trash doesn’t take up much room in the bin.

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