Wednesday, May 1, 2024

random thoughts – Day 1,504 – (Wednesday) –fresh and tasty

Today was our regular full team day at the office, complete with team meeting. There was progress on three projects I’m working on, which is a great and not common enough feeling. After a reminder to all of us from our department head, I blocked a week’s vacation on my calendar for the near-ish future, and now I’ll be on the lookout for a quick-ish vacation plan. Or some staycation diversions.

Such a beautiful array of fruit.
And then there was the greatest joy of the day – snack and share. There was recently a gorgeous vegetable and dip spread with the sweetest grape tomatoes imaginable, which had me thinking a bit about fresh produce. Today, a colleague treated us to a fresh and beautiful fruit platter. It was bright, colorful, artfully arranged, delicious, and accompanied by two fruit dips.

The platter included fresh pineapple, strawberries, mandarin oranges, kiwi, blueberries, grapes, watermelon. So, so fresh and tasty. And by the end of the day, it was so, so gone. 

I hope that today’s excessive consumption of fruit sets me on a path of fresher, healthier eating, but that’s a lot to expect from office snacks. Maybe the vacation not-yet-plans will act as a supporting fire under my ever-expanding derriere. I made it to the gym, so that was a good follow-up to the fruit momentum. 

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