Thursday, May 9, 2024

random thoughts – Day 1,512 – (Thursday) – seasons

Pink petal snow season.
It’s the confluence of several seasons in Lowell. It’s finally full-blown spring, and with it, the spring event season of galas, receptions, lectures, and all manner of things that can require some schedule juggling. Then there are the events for the younger set – sports, proms, dance recitals, and graduations.

Graduation season also means photo season at my neighborhood university -- University of Massachusetts Lowell North Campus. Several days this week, I've spotted various people wearing caps and gowns who have posed on the bridge, on the lawns, and at the stone marker with the school name carved into it that sits near some trees on the corner. ‘Tis the season. 

Today, I patiently waited my turn in traffic for the green light that would allow passage across the big intersection and over the bridge to downtown. Two people in caps and gowns at the corner to my right patiently waited for the red hand to transform into the magical white walking stick figure to signify it was their turn to cross the street. 

Photos at the marker season.
On the corner to my left, six more cap and gown people waited on the sidewalk for their turn for photos at the marker where a group of girls in dresses and white satin shawls were being photographed. As the traffic light finally turned green, the cluster of dresses finished their phots and disbursed, making room for the cap and gown squad.

Further down the street, delicate pink petals fluttered in the breeze from the flowering tree that lives between City Hall and Pollard Memorial Library. The petals landed on the lawn like a light dusting of flower snow. The season of petal snow is lovely. 

More books.
The library was my destination, specifically, the Meet the Author event with Allegra Goodman, who talked about being a writer, her various books, and read excerpts from her book Sam. It was interesting hearing about how she gets ideas for characters, choosing a point of view for stories, and conducting research.

There was a colorful cheese and fruit board, and a variety of tasty passed hors d’oeuvres. In the crowd were familiar faces from the many art exhibit receptions and non-profit fundraisers. And of course, there were books for sale and of course I bought books, because how could I not. That’s kind of how I roll.

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