Tuesday, May 14, 2024

random thoughts – Day 1,517 – (Tuesday) – blue skies and balmy

When I checked the morning weather forecast, like I do each day before figuring out how many layers to dress in, I read forecasted temps in the 70s for the afternoon. A cotton J Crew button front was selected, with the idea that it was a remote work day and I could easily grab a sweater if needed. 

Office-office days require more methodical and thorough planning. No matter what the temperature is outside, it's usually freezing at my desk, unless the central HVAC is on the fritz and it's 98 degrees and stifling like it was a few times too many last summer. It's all about layers that can come off and go back on as needed throughout the day.

Blue sky over downtown.
The morning was cloudy, but the skies cleared and the sun came out. The front door and a few windows were open and fresh, balmy breezes wafted through the house. White fluffy flowery dandelion puff stuff floated through the air like snow.

Imagine my surprise this afternoon when I moved my phone on my desk and the home screen illuminated with the time and temperature reading 82 degrees. Heavenly! I was focused on work and it hadn’t registered how warm it is. It registered that I wasn't freezing, but beyond that, I was quite comfortable.

I had a meeting after work, and drove downtown under a blue sky with sunshine that required sunglasses. Sunglasses! I even put the A/C on in the car to check to see if it works. It was a short ride, and the car was still warm when I arrived at my parking destination. Note to self – test the A/C again just in case it needs service before summer weather settles in. 

Bunny at supper.
A little brown bunny was enjoying some fine dining in the back yard. Earlier in the day, a groundhog was traveling its route from the shed, diagonally across the yard towards the house, pausing to chomp every now and again. 

Between the bunnies and groundhogs, it seems the lawn should be a lot shorter than it is. It would be nice if they would eat enough to evenly trim the lawn and spare me from having to mow, but it usually doesn’t work like that. The violets and other flowering plants that seem to be the star of the backyard menu, and not so much the small sea of greens. 

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