Sunday, April 21, 2024

random thoughts – Day 1,496 – (Sunday) – annoying and imaginary

It was a mostly regular Sunday. There was dance class and performance group. Now that the Earth Day performance is behind us, we are starting to learn a very cool new choreography, which is exciting.

Gary's is now Dale's.
The ride home included a stop at Gary’s Too Farmstand, except now it’s called Dale’s Market. There was an assortment of flowers out front, with more tables suggesting there will be more plants, and there are still fruits and baked goods and small flower pots inside. I like pansies, and I will certainly regret not having bought any today, but I drew an imaginary line in the imaginary sand and declared that I really need to have a plan before shelling out money for plants and then standing in the yard wondering where to put them. Also, any time I have planted flowers before Memorial Day there has been a late snow, so for the sake of the pant budget and all fellow citizens, I’m waiting. You can thank me later. 

Two motorcycles were driving up my tailpipe along several miles of Route 113 and every time I had to brake because the two vehicles ahead of me had hit their brakes, I was quite certain I would suddenly have a couple back seat passengers. Some people really annoy me. There were a couple colorful words uttered. It was a relief when they finally turned off at Route 3 and I could stop imagining our destruction.

At Market Basket (Fletcher Street, Store #1, baby), some knucklehead chose to stop their vehicle halfway around the turn to the parking lot, and I very nearly hit them as I turned from the street. The rear passenger door was open and a woman was on the sidewalk engaging in some sort of transaction with a guy standing there. They chatted for what felt like an excessively long time for someone who was blocking access into the parking lot. They finally finished talking, the guy walked away, the woman closed the back door and got into the front passenger seat, and the car (finally) moved. Even more people annoy me.

After cruising the aisles with my red shopping basket, my few items were rung up by a young cashier who barely looked at me and didn’t utter a sound. This was a relief from the annoying customers yammering away on cell phones in the aisles (on speakerphone, of course, for double the pleasure and fun). Even better, she packed the bread in the bag on top of the cabbage and not under it. Thank you, and bless you dear cashier, for not being annoying. You have restored a tiny glimmer of faith in humanity for me.

In the hidey hole, avoiding me.
Kiki continues with the annoying psychological warfare push-pull behavior. Her favorite action is to almost let me near her, then she runs away and hides behind the couch, behind the chair, or in the little hidey house. After I go to bed, she sits on the stairs and meows. 

Over the course of a week, I'm lucky to get a total of seven minutes of time within an arm’s length of her. If not for the vet bill, adoption fee, and the few photos I've been lucky to grab, I might think she was merely a figment of my sometimes overactive imagination. 

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