I swear I need a personal assistant to remind me of my thoughts. When I’m driving and 100% unable to note a thought for future reference and refinement, great ideas to write about magically appear in my head. It doesn’t matter if it’s the quick trip to work or a longer drive, by the time I park and exit the car, poof, the ideas are gone. Totally evaporated. Like they never happened.
Tree buds. Longer lasting than idea buds. |
At the end of the drive, the buds of writing ideas that just
needed some sunshine and encouragement to blossom are often replaced by a focus on city survival.
Important safety elements move to the forefront and take over—like not tripping
over uneven bricks or concrete and avoiding the stone slabs that are slippery
when wet. There is the dedicated effort to not being run over by the reckless downtown
drivers and afternoon hoodlums on bicycles and dirt bikes. That kind of stuff.
Later in the evening, after most of the life and brain
function have been depleted, I’m stuck babbling about the weather and what
was for lunch or supper. Again. So frustrating. And boring. Where do all the idea buds go?
If I had managed to somehow log those forgotten ideas, I’d
have enough material for a dozen books. Ok, maybe not a dozen, maybe one. Even
one would be satisfactory. Until I can figure out how to capture the fleeting buds
that want to blossom, those nuggets that could be polished into gems, unfortunately,
it’s lightly polished turds. My
Keep your phone open and speak a message to yourself however short, while you're driving. Believe me, I have the same syndrome! And btw, I love your new look!