Tuesday, November 22, 2022

“Remoted – Hybrid” – Day 980 (Tuesday) – food quests

Stuffing with stuff.
The day had it all. There was the delightful Canine Overlord office companion, napping peacefully in front of the heat vent below the sink. It was productive – things got done and new things were started. A steady stream of morning coffee followed by afternoon herbal tea staved off both hypothermia and dehydration.

And there was food, which is the highlight of so many days. Today's food quests offered three highlights. Breakfast featured a perfectly toasted, crispy English muffin slathered with butter and strawberry preserves. Lunch was herb stuffing with sautéed apples, onion, celery, pecans, and cranberries left over from the weekend. Provolone cheese was melted over the top and then stirred in and it was a divine noon repast.

Pumpkin ravioli with butter,
honey, ginger sauce and parmesan.
Supper construction began with Trader Joe’s honey roasted pumpkin ravioli. An online check for “sauce for pumpkin ravioli” revealed that most featured melted butter, so that’s where the sauce started. One suggestion was simply melted butter and parmesan cheese, and that became my plan. 

As the butter melted in the fry pan, the sauce evolved with the chiseling of some crystallized honey out of the little bear container and adding it to the butter. The spice cabinet yielded ground ginger and as I shook it into the butter and honey I remembered there was fresh ginger root in the freezer. Poured over the ravioli, the sauce concoction was really good. It's a keeper. As long as I don't forget all about the browned butter honey ginger sauce before the next time.

The evening entertainment was The IT Crowd on Netflix. It's about the millionth time watching it and it still makes me laugh. The endless stream of ginger and turmeric tea continued. Or more accurately, one tea bag reused until it was essentially a mug of hot water.

The list of items for future grocery runs has turned into multiple lists and quests for more pumpkin ravioli and lobster ravioli (TJ’s), ginger turmeric tea (Aldi), spanakopita pinwheels (Market Basket), and Lindt chocolate bars with hot chili (Hannaford). The grocery shopping hobby is becoming complicated and may require a logistics team.

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