Tuesday, September 27, 2022

“Remoted – Hybrid” – Day 924 (Tuesday) – soup and news and stuff

Cabbage soup with stuff.
The remote work day meant it was soup for lunch. Soup is a great lunch reserved for remote days when there is no danger of a container spilling in the work bag in transit. Today, it was cabbage soup from Sunday, beefed up with some roasted brussels sprouts and broccoli and the kielbasa and potato stir fry. Sunday’s cooking effort paid off, but by tomorrow it’s probably a certainty that I’ll be quite done with cabbage for a while. The rest of the soup was already stored in the freezer for later. 

Work was less frenetic than Monday. Busy, productive, and less stressful. Small blessings. After work, it was Finnish language homework and Woodoku, which I’m sorry has been reactivated on the phone. Talk about a time suck. One minute it’s 6:00, then suddenly it’s 8:30 with nothing to show for it but a string of low scores in a dumb game. On the bright side, very often while playing Woodoku, ideas are percolating in the background and new ideas are born.

While Hurricane Ian was said to be at Category 4 and bearing down on Cuba and then Florida, I was watching Kevin can F Himself on demand on AMC. It originally aired Monday night. Every station break featured a ServPro commercial for water damage cleanup to make things “Like it never even happened.” Coincidence, or brilliant marketing? I don’t know.

In other big seasonal news, there was a recall on some candy corn made at a Massachusetts company because egg wasn't listed in the ingredients. Not the candy corn!!! What really needs a recall and total destruction in the Candy Kingdom is NECCO Wafers. Those things are gross.

Mahkit Baskit!
The latest notable Central Mass prop sighting on Kevin Can F Himself was a hoodie worn by the title character, emblazoned with, in perfect phonetic spelling of Massachusetts speak, Mahkit Baskit – “Moah fah yah dollah.” And now I want one, too. 

And I’m pretty sure there isn’t even a Market Basket in Worcester, so hooray for whoever scored with the MB brand placement. According to the website store locator, the closest store to Worcester is in Oxford, 10-ish miles away. And yes, I love looking things up on a whim. 

And good luck to the people in Cuba and Florida. It sounds like Ian is no joke.

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