Wednesday, September 21, 2022

“Remoted – Hybrid” – Day 918 (Wednesday) – garbage and carnage

There is a doorway on the walk form the garage where a person used to camp. He could be seen laying on his side on a blanket, smoking a cigarette and asking passersby for money. There is now a "No Trespassing" sign posted on the door, and a nasty, seemingly permanent urine scented wet mark on the concrete. IT seems the doorway has been reallocated from living room/bedroom to toilet.

Doorway space and snacks.
This morning on the walk, it was noticed that there was an unopened cereal bar and three ziplock bags with cookies and other snacks neatly set at the edge of the stoop. They were still there on the return trip 9 hours later. It is a typical downtown scene lately – stains, unappealing smells and abandoned food. Sometimes it’s a partially eaten sandwich, chunk of fried chicken, or salad remnants surrounded by wrappers and take-out boxes. Often, there is a trash barrel just a few feet away. People are slobs. 

Once safely ensconced in the quietude of the workplace cubicle, it was a lot of the daily sameness with occasional bright spots of not the same. Blah, blah, work, blah. Monthly full team meeting. Work. There was free pizza at lunchtime!! Blah, blah. Oh crap, an important Word document edit was hidden in a comment field and missed in the “accept all edits and stop tracking” document update. It was eventually found quite by accident. Oops. And apologies to the two reviewers who received files and then an "oops" message and then more files. 

At home, while fetching Win’s food from the bathroom closet, it was observed with a respectable amount of horror that the new mousetrap baited with peanut butter and set last week had an occupant sprawled upon the floor that was not there in the morning. Sorry, little gray rodent. And ewwww.

Now there needs to be a corpse relocation operation and I am sufficiently grossed out that it has already been delayed for the past three hours. Hopefully, it can be accomplished using the handy poop pickup tool which has also been enlisted for outdoor rodent corpse removal several times now. I really hate mouse season.

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