Friday, September 9, 2022

“Remoted – Hybrid” – Day 906 (Friday) – large and in charge

It was a half-vacation day but once again and true to brand, it wasn’t all sunshine, lollipops, and rainbows. Ok, the weather played its part perfectly and there was ample sunshine and warm temperatures. Nice job, Mother Nature and thank you for delivering another lovely day.

Work was greatly productive and the morning flew by. Not accustomed to midday university traffic, I stupidly took the regular route home through the North Campus and was tied up in crawling, snarled lines of vehicles and heavy student skateboard, razer scooter, bicycle, and foot traffic everywhere.

The quick stop at the house was to liberate Winnie from his soggy diaper pants, let him outside, tell him what a good boy he is, and re-wrap him in a fresh diaper and belly band. The super important insulated lunch bag and ice packs were gathered and then it was back into the car for a ride to Fitchburg to pick up Win’s veterinary insulin from the vet. The vet hours and my work hours do not align very well. Like, not at all, thus the need to use vacation time. But he is 100% worth it because he is the best boy, best dog, best buddy anywhere.

Once the precious vials were procured and secured in the chilled bag, it was off to my sister’s house for a brief visit with her, Mom, and my middle niece. The youngest niece was already en route to Mansfield for a concert adventure to see bands I am far too old to know about. It made me sad thinking of all the wasted years of my youth spent working, dancing ballet, and not attending concerts. It just wasn’t part of my reality.

After the visit there was a stop at Big Lots for important and fun fall/Halloween items for a basket swap. The item gathering has been ongoing for a couple weeks and the random assortment is almost ready. It will be sent to a friend of a friend in Tacoma, Washington (whom I have never met) and I hope she likes it. Hot tip – Big Lots and Family Dollar have lots of fun and cool fall and Halloween decorative things. Everything I bought for the basket I would like to have myself, but I got sensible (<cough> frugal) and did not buy duplicates for myself. There will likely be regrets.

Once home, it was time for yet another random and unhealthy “supper.” There has been exactly zero interest in cooking lately and on Wednesday and Thursday nights supper was potato chips. That’s it,  just delicious, salty, slightly greasy, Market Basket store brand potato chips. Tonight, it was olive oil and sea salt ciabatta bread with seasoned olive oil, feta cheese cubes, and Kalamata olives. This was followed by the remainder of the chips and chased down with the beloved Finnish Original Long Drink while watching The Imperfects on Netflix. Single living is large and in charge at The BungaLowell.

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