Saturday, September 10, 2022

“Remoted – Hybrid” – Day 907 (Saturday) – more of the same

It was another day of more of the same. Coffee drinking fueled grand ideas that dissolved when the caffeine wore off. The wardrobe changeover was initiated. A stack of “least favorite” items were set into a trash bag for the next round of pickups by either Big Brothers Big Sisters or Epilepsy Foundation. Usually, I’m not ready when the email arrives announcing the trucks will be in the area.

Winston, the best boy.
Agonizing began over an outfit for the wedding in two weeks. There is nothing appropriate in the closet that seems correct for the season or the event which also fits. I used to love fashion. I sewed clothes and assembling outfits was a hobby. Now it’s a source of stress three office days a week every week for the past year, plus any other time I need to leave the house. 

It’s a huge temptation to take most of the current clothing to the back yard and burn it, but that would probably result in a visit from the fire department and result in having nothing to wear, which would be worse than having a lot of stuff I no longer love. That’s the sad part. There used to be fondness for everything in the massive closet and now it’s all just too familiar, too boring, too much work.

Housework was contemplated, but didn’t quite pan out. There was a minor accomplishment in taking some stuff to the recycle bin. There was also a trip to St Vincent de Paul then Marshalls to look for something to wear to the wedding. Nope. Nada. But Marshalls had tons of fun Halloween decorations I didn’t buy.

Winston has been better about eating his food the past couple days, which is a relief. It might have a lot to do with the addition of the roasted chicken, but whatever works. He really springs to life after eating and when coming in from inside. He trots over by his cookie bowl to wait for his good boy bit of a cookie. Then he lounged about in his bed, on the floor, and on the couch, interrupted by numerous trips outside. Some of the outside visits seemed more for something to do than because he needed to potty.

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