Thursday, April 21, 2022

“Remoted – Hybrid” – Day 773 (Thursday) – schedules

It’s Friday eve but also my sort-of Friday thanks to another vacation day. A long weekend is truly the best kind of weekend. This specific long weekend was kicked off with a light supper of ham salad sandwich on Tuscan bread, chips, and merlot. 

Per protocol, the vacation day includes exciting plans for fabulous and glamorous activities. There  is travel, aka life maintenance chores including a trip to the vet to pick up insulin. Now that the dosage is increased, the vials empty a lot quicker than they used to. Cha-ching!

Friday eve light supper.
A hair salon appointment that was shifted two weeks ago to accommodate the car service was changed again today. (Pampering is delayed.) The hair has mostly been behaving and there is no point ruining a good thing with a premature date with the scissors, and especially not the day before a dance performance. There is a dance troupe dress rehearsal in the early evening, the last chance for spit shine and polish. So, yeah, the day is kind of busy, at least by current standards where the bar is very, very low.

Looking at the calendar, it seems that a busy month has suddenly dawned. Last Saturday had a dance rehearsal, and Sunday was Easter dinner at Mom’s. This week includes a dress rehearsal and performance. Next weekend is an arts organization gala. May 7th is a Steampunk Festival. The 14th is the rescheduled hair salon appointment. Dance classes are sprinkled in on all the Sundays. Oy.

I’m tired thinking about it. And moderately stressed out. How did I do this all the time? And this is a light schedule compared to those glorious days in my 30s when I had a full-time job and a three-shift-a week part-time job, grad school, gym/fitness regimen, photography class, and a social life that took place most Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights. Oh, the folly and energy of youth. Life sure was different then.

The keys to the success of the lifestyle of my 30s and 40s were not thinking about it and just doing it, caffeine, alcohol, an undercurrent of anger, and a morbid fear of missing out with an accompanying disdain for sleep. I weighed about 10 pounds soaking wet and an endless stream of stress-fueled adrenaline flowed through my veins. 

The current, tragically sedate and more fluffy lifestyle runs on caffeine, the occasional glass of wine or beer, a new-found respect and adoration for sleep, and service to the Canine Overlord. Sometimes, it’s impossible to decide which version I like better.

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