Wednesday, April 6, 2022

“Remoted – Hybrid” – Day 758 (Wednesday) – phone fear

The new phone arrived yesterday and it’s still in the box, wrapped in its protective sleeve. The new cast iron pan, which also arrived yesterday, is still in the box on the kitchen table. The adapter fetched from the Verizon “Corporate Store” to facilitate charging sits nearby.

The new case.
KMeanwhile, I am on the couch with an elbow that has hurt for going on four weeks (possibly tendonitis) and tinnitus echoing in my head for what has been basically forever and season six of Gilmore Girls on the TV. But the elbow and the tinnitus and Gilmore Girls are not the reasons the phone is still in the box.

The phone wasn’t activated yesterday because gravity isn’t always my friend (it's more of a love-hate relationship) and I didn’t want to risk using it until the protective case arrived. The protective case with the magnet and kickstand arrived from Amazon today, along with the new magnet mount for the car. 

The phone wasn’t activated today because by the time I got home from work, fed Winston, fed myself, and unpacked the coffee, phone case, and car mount from the delivery box, I didn’t feel like dealing with the phone. Unlike many, many people I know, getting a new phone doesn’t excite me. A new book? Yes. New shoes? Yes. A new phone? Whatever.

In addition to the inherent blasé attitude towards overly expensive cellular devices with costs equivalent to month’s principal and interest on the mortgage payment, there are also questions. The instructions say to use the SIM card that came in the new phone. So, will the apps transfer from the old phone to the new one, or do I need to load them all from the app store? And if I need to fetch them all again, how will I remember my stupid passwords? 

Some of the apps are needed for work, and there is no interest in dealing with the stress of them not being available if I need them. Maybe I’ll deal with the phone on Friday after work, giving me two days to reinstall anything that needs reinstalling for work on Monday.

Damned Wordle.
The other reason, which is probably the biggest reason why I haven’t jumped all over setting up the new phone yet is Wordle. Yes, Wordle. The answer to the very logical question "What the Wordle?" is, I’m afraid the switch to the new phone and SIM card will result in the loss of my Wordle statistics. There’s no login when opening the game each day. I tap an icon and it opens on the phone, and at the end of each day’s game, my win tally increases by one. The current streak is 63 wins with a 100% win percentage. The risk is real. The fear is great. Damn you, Wordle. 

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