Thursday, April 7, 2022

“Remoted – Hybrid” – Day 759 (Thursday) – so-called normal life

Hell o'clock stretch.
It was another early wakeup morning, but at least it was 4:30 today. Lately, the awakenings are earlier and often triggered by a numb hip or twitchy leg. This requires the yoga pose to stretch the spot in the glute that hurts. It’s fun waking up at hell o’clock to stretch, but at least 4:30 is better than 2:30.  

Once awake, in addition to the spazzy twitchy hip-leg-butt, monkey brain kicked in with full force and at 5:40, defeat was conceded and the get out of bed process began. There is almost always a process. It includes a pep talk with promises that fresh hot coffee is just minutes away.

There is stretching that includes one knee to chest, then the other, then both knees. During this, the left hip usually pops into place with a kind of gross thud/crack sound. There are more stretches and poses that cause the pelvis to make cracking sounds and then I can get out of bed without feeling like I’ll shatter. It’s super fun.

There was extra coffee made this morning to offset the extra fatigue and it’s starting to feel like a pattern is being established. Crappy, fitful sleep at night, extra coffee in the morning. Lather, rinse, repeat.

The insomnia thing used to happen with alarming regularity in April and October but during the full-time remoted stretch, sleep was miraculously restful. It lasted mostly all night, except for quick doggy potty runs and then it was right back to sleep. Mornings felt refreshing. There were no allergy symptoms.

That is all just a once upon a time fond memory. Now, it’s back to allergy sniffles and throbbing sinuses. Wardrobe issues. The shoulders are locked in a permanent uptight position. The jaw is tight and teeth grind through unrestful and disrupted sleep and weird dreams. For starters.

There are appointments to keep or to push, swap, and juggle. It seems my so-called life is returning to all its “normal” unwanted glory. I really miss the whole low-key stay at home all the time thing. Life was much less stressful at the BungaLowell.  “Normal” life is feeling overrated.

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