Tuesday, April 19, 2022

“Remoted – Hybrid” – Day 771 (Tuesday) – green and growing

Flower bed is
The greenery for the irises, lilies, and bleeding heart plants has been pocking its way out of the ground for a couple weeks. The plantings along the back yard property line are coming in nicely, and further into the yard by the shed, the lilac is getting leafy. Out front, the always wayward rose is also getting green. 

Violets are emerging underneath the rhododendron, and the columbine is making its annual appearance. Every year. The columbine tries to put on a show, and every year the  ground hog makes its own appearance to eat the flowers. 

And in what seems like just a day or two but probably took longer and I just forgot to notice, the grass is becoming a vibrant green and growing. It probably won’t be too long before it will be time to take out the lawn mower and bust out the bandannas for the glamorous seasonal second job in yard work. 

Grass and faux grass are greening up.
Sadly, the proprietor of The BungaLowell doesn’t pay in cash, although there are sometimes hefty bribes  involving cookies, ice cream, or beer. The only reliable payment is the satisfaction of having completed a measurable task.

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