Thursday, October 26, 2023

random thoughts – Day 1,318 – (Thursday) – all around pleasant

Despite going to bed on Wednesday night at 7:30 pm and sleeping until 6:15 am on Thursday, I woke up tired. Travel and time zone changes fatigue are no joke. Luckily, a pot of slightly stronger than my usual coffee helped. A lot.

There were 459 work emails awaiting my attention, which is about 50% fewer than expected. That was a massive relief. The usual punishing volume has been closer to 100 (sometimes  more) emails per day while out of the office and makes me dread taking a day off. 

The weather was nice enough to have the windows open. In late October. It was amazing, and I wouldn’t feel bad if the weather was this warm most of the year. The week in greater Las Vegas gave us eight days of weather that was in the mid- to high-80s and said to be warmer than the October usual temperatures, and the sun felt hot under the cloudless skies. And dry. It was so dry I felt like I would crumble into a pile of dust, so the bit of humidity in the air yesterday and today was welcomed.

Pizza heaven.
There was a post-workday mental exercise concerning supper – to eat, or not to eat? At the time, I wasn’t feeling very hungry, but when the $5 off loyalty rewards at the preferred pizza purveyor was remembered and verified as expiring after today, the decision was swiftly made. A pizza with pineapple and Kalamata olives was ordered and suddenly I was ravenous and pacing like a lion.

During the wait for the pizza delivery, the suitcase that had been schlepped upstairs before work and raided for the clean underwear and socks was finally emptied. The remaining clothes in it were hung, refolded and put into drawers, or tossed into the hamper. 

The empty suitcase was nested with a smaller suitcase inside it and returned to the spare room closet with the other luggage and weekend bags that are waiting for their chances to come out and play like they used to. I imagine them swapping travel stories of the glory days of yore spent on the road, in the air, and on the seas. Those were good times. 

And then it was time to chill. Just me, a large glass of ice water, the oft-mocked favorite pizza choice which was eaten in blessed peace and quiet free from ridicule, and Super Pumped – The Battle for Uber on Netflix. 

It was a pretty good, all around pleasant day. There was strong coffee, nice weather, a surprisingly low number of emails. fish sticks for lunch, and pizza for supper. I'm really not that hard to please. 

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