Monday, October 2, 2023

random thoughts – Day 1,294 – (Monday) – home life

The trip to Market Basket on Sunday had few purchases, the result of strategically grabbing a hand basket instead of cart. The primary objective was bread. Secondary objectives were stuffed grape leaves and spanakopita twirls. Once acquired, there was a stroll through the produce department and apples, which I like for cooking and baking, and bananas, which I just like.  

Sunshine on shaggy grass.
A walk around the store perimeter took me past hot Italian sausages which I’d been thinking of since a chat with my aunt earlier in the day. The next stop around the perimeter was half and half for coffee and cooking, and which had been forgotten many times in many shopping trips. It was a successful and quick in-and-out mission and using the back road to get home let me avoid the traffic from the massive regatta on the Merrimack.

The shopping was put away quickly and cooking was plotted for the week including items from last week. Tortellini with sauce and sausage for Sunday supper plus leftovers for later meals. Kielbasa with potato and onion for Monday lunch and later meals. There is still an acorn squash needing to be roasted.

This morning, while scraping the bottom of the cannister to make the coffee, it was realized what was forgotten at the store. Coffee. Ugh. That is the danger of shopping without a list and visiting only the perimeter and skipping the interior aisles. Thank goodness for the Amazon empire and the quick delivery of pantry staples like coffee because home life is jump started daily by caffeine.

Ahhh, Homelite for home life.
Still fortified by today's winter food lunch and amplified by some residual stress, a physical activity was plotted after work to burn off some aggro. There was a debate of using the treadmill at the gym versus staying home and pushing the mower around the yard. The mental battle over the equipment was decided in favor of the mower and the shaggy yard. Hopefully, it's the last mow for many months, but now that it’s summer again, it's anyone's guess. 

I thought that the last time would be the last time mowing, but then there was more rain and sunshine and the green stuff grew again. Fortunately, the greenery wasn't as overgrown as it was the previous two mows, thanks to a couple dry days and a convenient mowing window. Some times home life works out. 

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