Saturday, October 14, 2023

random thoughts – Day 1,306 – (Saturday) – day and night

Earlier this week, there was a listing for a yoga or stretching or some sort of movement class scheduled for this morning at Boarding House Park. It sounded good when reading about it on a 60 degree afternoon, but this morning was too chilly for me to be doing any sort of outdoor on the ground class. It was a visit to the magical Planet of Fitness to walk on the treadmill while staring at the many TV screens and lay on the heated hydro massage table instead.

Back in the days of the beloved 
 Canine Overlords.
While eating lunch, I remembered the drive-up medication and sharps drop-off was at the Senior Center until 2:00. Five boxes crammed with Winston’s used insulin syringes were dropped off. It was a LOT of sharp stabby things to be liberated of. 

Since August when Win passed away, I really haven’t dealt with the doggy things. The half bag of prescription dog food is still in the bathroom closet and the beds, leashes, dishes, sweaters, and so on are all still around. Someday I’ll deal with it. Or have another set of Canine Overlords and need it all again. Who can say. 

After the drop-off, the car successfully navigated past Market Basket without pulling in. Instead, it autopiloted to the nearby St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Shop. It worked out, because it’s going to be hot on the upcoming vacation, like in the 90s hot, and I don’t have any shorts. None that fit or are suitable to wear in public, anyway.

There was a full rack of shorts at St. Vincent's, but none that met the rigorous criteria (not too short, not too tight in the legs but also not too loose, the fabric should have some body and not be so soft and drapey, the waist should be at least mid-rise) and also fit. Between all the rain and spending most of the summer inside often freezing in air conditioning, shorts weren’t needed this summer. Not by me, anyway. Normal body temperature people probably wore them.

The haul was a pair of capri-length jeans that seemed brand new, two pairs of dressier pants for work, a flowered necktie, and a lightweight jacket that seems great for spring and early fall hiking. Everything had either red 50% off tags or yellow 99-cent tags, so it was budget friendly.

The pants were laundered this afternoon, which resulted in a minor mishap. Some light-colored tee shirts were tossed into the washer with the jeans and it seems those jeans were brand new and the “wash before wearing” instructions have a very valid reason. Now the pale pink tee shirt has a light purple tint and the white baseball shirt with pink sleeves looks grayish, gross, and dingy. Luckily, those are both worn as pajamas and nobody will ever see them. Like, never.

Fuzzy sun.
I remembered to look for the eclipse, but New England wasn’t in the best range for it. The sun was a white, fuzzy ball in the cloudy sky. No nibble from the moon. No ring of fire. 

The rest of the afternoon is a blur and suddenly it was nighttime, which is a lot longer now that sun sets around 6:00 and it’s pitch dark by 6:30. There is something really cozy about the long nights. Or maybe that’s just the blanket, the candle, and the wine talking.


  1. Try oxie clean.I had white sheets and jerseys and a blouse tinted pink and they were back to white. Good luck
