Tuesday, October 10, 2023

random thoughts – Day 1,302 – (Tuesday) – online shopping

The bonus Amazon Days promotion is going to be the end of me. I was almost late leaving for a board meeting because I saw an ad and ended up looking at toaster oven air fryer combo units after work. 

After the board meeting, it was velvet jackets and running the risk of totally revising the outfit for the wedding that takes place in about 12 days. It started when I turned on the laptop and saw an Amazon ad for long sequin dusters. Or maybe I just autopiloted and opened Amazon. Who can even say at this point. 

In any event, the sequin jackets are really pretty. Of course, I had to look. Two of them landed in the shopping cart. And somehow the results page for sequin jackets started displaying velvet jackets, so that was another rabbit hole to fall down.

Soon, there were a dozen jackets in the shopping cart. Two long sequin dusters, two thigh length velvet jackets, and eight long duster length velvet jackets. There were short and long velvets in mustardy yellow, darkish pink, rose red, and green, and long sequin ones in navy and dark green.

Then the review of the reviews began. Several buyers commented that the long velvet duster looks too much like a bathrobe. Ok, that was a strike against the long ones. The sequin dusters would require a major change of the entire outfit and possibly even the shoes, which began to feel complicated. The sequin dusters were “saved for later” because man, they are pretty. One by one, velvet jackets were deleted due to delivery dates beyond the date it's needed for, or saved for later, because, well, just in case.

Based on delivery dates and a trip to the closet to re-check the colors in the previously purchased pants, a rose red velvet thigh length jacket was ordered. That led to a reconsideration of the caramel-colored satin top already bought for the pants. A top in the same style in dusty pink was bought. The refund from the boots that were returned last weekend covered most of the cost, so that was nice. 

Goodbye beloved frames.
Next up – a search for glasses to replace the blue browline frames I stepped on Monday morning. Unfortunately, it’s not as easy as pushing a button and reordering the exact same frames because they are no longer carried. 

It's just my luck to step on my irreplaceable glasses instead of one of the many pairs that are still available and could be replaced in days. The mourning period has begun. A private service is being arranged.

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