Tuesday, September 26, 2023

random thoughts – Day 1,288 – (Tuesday) – winning revelations

It’s possible that today was the next to last Physical Torture appointment, so that was a spark of brightness. Things aren’t exactly fixed, but some are better and the final determination will be on Thursday. Fingers are crossed for a discharge, because the budget has been shot to sh*t from the twice weekly co-pays for the past couple months and psychologically and financially I’m just over it.

Just like the months before the PT began, the whole time has been a moving target of pains and diagnoses. Today’s revelations include that the left knee pain is most likely arthritis and the lower leg issues are most likely due to a weak calf. I don't know how a calf decides to go weak, but it seems obvious every time I try to put on pants from a standing position and in dance when I attempt the quad stretch standing on one leg that I used to be able to hold forever and now I practically fall over.

Healing heels?
And let’s not forget the lower back tightness, but it's only with 50% of the hip moves and could probably be worse. Ugh. What in the actual hell. I don’t recall signing up for this aging crap. It must have been buried in the tiny fly speck legal print on a document for something I actually wanted like the monthly wine club deliveries.

The weirdest revelation during this summer of PT is that my leg hurts less when wearing a bootie with a block heel than a sensible flat. Go figure. That might have been a good knowledge nugget to possess before spending the past couple years collecting sturdy oxfords and loafers. 

Possibly the most exciting news is that those new sparkly silver fashion heels and all their kin in the closet might be necessary to heal. And heels spare me from hemming too-long  pants. Another win!

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