Wednesday, June 21, 2023

random thoughts – Day 1,191 – (Wednesday) – reflecting

Facebook memories are informative today. On this date in 2009 I had a belly dance workshop on balancing and Persian technique. Sadly, I don’t even remember what Persian technique is, but I am comfortable saying I probably loved it and would want to do it again if I could find any such class. 

In 2010, I learned six ways to fall at roller derby practice, and liked the rockstar fall (kind of flashy sliding across the floor on the knees) and the small fall (basically crunch up into a tight, tiny ball) the best. In 2011, I went to my favorite Clarksville thrift store in search of a beach coverup/bathrobe and left with a full-length embroidered kimono for $2. It wasn't what I wanted, but it was an amazing find, and maybe someday I'll get around to doing something with it, like maybe hanging it on a wall.

In 2013, freshly relocated from Tennessee, I was en route to Maine for a week at the beach with family. In 2018, there was a reception at The Brush for “Reflections – Homage to a Friend,” a show by the studio artists.

Reflections on the canal water.
As for June 21, 2023, it was a day full of small things. At work, we had our big Sales and Marketing (S&M) team meeting and the guest speaker from the mortgage department was interesting. I got myself away from the desk and took a walk around downtown on a beautiful day. Skateboarders hung around in a park, and people sat on benches. The canal water was as still and glossy, reflecting the clouds and the trees like a mirror. 

At The BungaLoweel, the first day lily of the year opened in the front yard. The rugs smell of dog pee and should probably be burned. It was an evening like many others before it, with HBO on demand ("The Righteous Gemstones") and Netflix ("Easy").

First day lily.
If these various June 21 days were to be ranked and rated, it seems like 2009, 2010, and 2011 felt the most alive. Belly dance was exciting with growth and exploring various styles of dance and movement while balancing swords and candles on the head. Roller derby was brand new and exciting and our fledgling team had found a home rink for indoor practices and bouts. The thrill of discovery of a gem in a thrift store was intoxicating. 

The years since leaving Tennessee have felt more dull than exciting. Numb even. For the most part, it has not been what I dreamt of all those times in Tennessee when I was homesick and aching to come back home. What's that about grass being greener .... And maybe it's time to find a way to shake things up again. Rome in March was a good start.

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