Tuesday, June 20, 2023

random thoughts – Day 1,190 – (Tuesday) – learning

Today was an office day with Bank-provided coffee at the shop near the office, and I was signed up for a Lunch & Learn event about Burma (Myanmar) that included Burmese food.

The morning kicked off with another headache, and I couldn’t tell if it was too much coffee, not enough coffee, or not enough sleep from waking up too many times overnight. The past week has had quite a lot of headaches. The free coffee was skipped in the fear it would make it worse. The headache persisted.

The lunch event was informative and heartbreaking. Two speakers from UMass Lowell told us about the situation in Burma and the ongoing unrest and military rule. The food was amazing and I forgot to take pictures of it. There was rice, a noodle salad, tender beef chunks, and several other dishes that I remember being delicious but not what they are called. The group that made the food will be selling food at the Lowell Folk Festival at the end of July, so I can get more then.

A couple of the scarfs.
Fundraiser items for sale at the lunch event included a variety of purses, messenger bags, totes, water bottle carriers, and scarves. I bought a sheer purple scarf with embroidery and sequins. 

After the lunchtime break, it was back to the desk and the usual working. Doing things and crossing them off the list. Going over some things with a new team member. Chasing down loose threads on projects. 

Winston pulled off his mysterious magic trick where he keeps the pee band and diaper on and the diaper stays dry and unsullied, and there is a pee spot perfectly centered on the potty pad on the floor. There are probably more on the rugs that I just haven’t found yet. 

For three hours after I got home, the little punk scratched at the door to go out and then two minutes later, barked to come back inside. It was at least a dozen times and if it was more I don't really want to know. The nonsense stopped when I finally gave him a cookie when he came in. After that, he laid in his bed, probably thrilled I finally learned the lesson and exhausted that it took so long. 

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