Friday, June 16, 2023

random thoughts – Day 1,186 – (Friday) – nice one

Berries in a tree.
Much of the week went by slowly, but not in the punishing way when time feels like it drags, or worse, stands still. It was a pleasant slowness. The days were unhurried. There was time to think about the work being done, instead of just rushing from task to task, and deadline to deadline. A conversation in a team meeting led to an idea and there was time to research it and flesh it out. It was amazing. And for much of the week, I forgot it is the Juneteenth federal holiday on Monday and a long weekend. Bonus! If only all the weeks could feel like this.

The weather was nice, somewhat cloudy, warm, but not too warm, and an afternoon walk was taken downtown. In the Victorian Garden, red and purple berries are growing in a tree. The vines that grow along the fence and wind through the rose bush at home, spiraled up the wrought iron fence rails at the park. People sat on benches enjoying the nice weather. A group of art students was drawing in the brick courtyard between some converted mill buildings. 

After work, people dined at the sidewalk seating at the Mexican restaurant. People were enjoying the weather, perhaps aware that the weekend weather forecast is not nearly as nice.

Supper on the deck.
Supper was enjoyed on the deck. Finally. The umbrella isn’t set up yet, and the cloud cover made for comfortable conditions. When the sun is unobstructed by cloud cover, it shines full blast on the deck in the late afternoon and into the evening and can be a bit intense. The neighborhood was quiet, free of the rumble of motorcycles and dramatic yelling. The BungaLowell was slightly less quiet, with Winston barking on the deck to go inside, then barking from inside because I was still outside. Silly doggy.

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