Saturday, August 27, 2022

“Remoted – Hybrid” – Day 893 (Saturday) – action and adventure

Summer sky.
Action and adventure ruled a gorgeous summer day. The schedule kicked off with a 7:15 am departure to head to Fitchburg for the Finnish Breakfast at Saima Park. We had a full table of family and friends and it was a fortifying start to the day with oven pancake, coffee bread, sausage, bacon, cantaloupe, OJ, and coffee. 

After eating, we scattered to the winds. My cousin headed off for a kayaking adventure. Mom, Dottie, and I went to a church indoor yard sale where I scored a bag of Scrabble letters and a few other things from the 4/$1 table.

Mom and Dottie peeled off to some plans, and I was making the day up as it went along after having postponed a scheduled hair appointment by a few weeks. My next stop was my favorite clothing and housewares consignment shop in search of a very specific style of soup bowls that seem to have become extinct. The consignment shop is very near a big liquor store and Long Drink was finally bought to restock my fridge. 

Back in Lowell, there was a quick stop at St Vincent de Paul to look for the mythical soup bowls before heading homeward. There were no bowls. 

Dancing with swords.
After checking on Canine Overlord / Best Boy Ever, it was back out to the world. The next phase of adventure day was a Renaissance Festival at Regatta Park. A dancer friend had posted a couple days ago about the dance performances and that is how I heard about the event. 

The afternoon featured hot sun which was beautifully interrupted by clouds and breezes. The festival featured blacksmiths in action and whip cracking lessons. Costumed vendors sold jewelry and chain maille wall hangings. A dress-up booth had a green screen and racks of costumes. 

The dancers performed in an open area, with recorded music and the hammering of the blacksmith helping to keep time. The various dances included zills and props like swords, fans, and baskets. During the sword dance, a kid in the audience was peppering his mother with questions. "Mom, are those REAL swords? Do they practice?" Dear kid, the answer is yes. The costuming was gorgeous with brightly colored 25-yard skirts layered with scarves and belts.

Near the end of the show, an ice cream truck showed up, its arrival accompanied by the traditional ice cream truck music. It parked on the street along the field with the blaring truck music overpowering the dance music until the driver turned it off.  

As the dance performance concluded, festival attendees flocked to the truck for a chilled treat and I headed back home to hang with Winston.  The day had family, friends, food, and entertainment. Overall, it was a win.

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