Saturday, August 13, 2022

“Remoted – Hybrid” – Day 888 (Saturday) – a day

The plants that once looked so bright and happy in the three-tiered planter on the deck have suffered in the heat and dry weather, a situation exacerbated by my neglect in regularly watering them. This morning, watering was remembered, mostly because company was coming and I was rushing around like a little tornado wiping the deck table, opening the umbrella, sweeping floors and wiping counters. The rushing was hindered by knee and leg pain, which the orthopedic guy dismissed months ago, saying the x-rays look fine, but some days there is pain with practically every step.

Little bunnies!
The planter was watered and the remainder was poured into the large deck planter where tomatoes were slaved over for several summers, only to disappear or not produce. Last year I gave up, but not to the point of emptying the dirt and removing the tub. The giving up was along the lines of letting whatever chooses to grow in the tub grow without interference from me. Last year a few random flowers grew. This year, it looks like weeds and smaller plants of the evening primrose that grows on the other side of the deck. 

While shaking the last of the water from the jug into the tub, I realized I had just shaken water onto two little bunnies sitting in the dirt at the edge of the tub. I ran inside for some carrot slices just in case it’s true that bunnies like carrots. When I dropped carrot slices into the tub, it startled one of the bunnies and it jumped out of the tub. When I checked a few minutes later, the other was also gone.

Carrot cake. Yum!
I felt like a horrible human giant that scares little bunnies and they were on my mind for the next few hours until I was distracted with running an errand. The objective was to drop off some snacks for a reception downtown and get back to the house before Mom, StepDad, and my sister arrived. When I got home, they were waiting in the driveway, but luckily hadn’t been there long. We sat on the deck in the beautiful weather. There was lunch followed by carrot cake.

After they left, there was a nap on the couch. Maybe it was a sugar crash from the cake. Or advanced age. The rest of the day was quiet and solitary. It’s been a full week of the return of smelling cigarette smoke that doesn’t exist and it’s really grossing me out. It’s the third or fourth time of this in the past couple years and I wish it would stop, or at least not drag on for weeks. I ate more cake for supper, because it was available. Winston napped.

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