Thursday, August 11, 2022

“Remoted – Hybrid” – Day 886 (Thursday) – food stuff

There has been a shocking amount of time spent inside this summer. I realized, after the sun had set, that I haven’t seen a sunset all summer. Or spring, either. Or winter. Same for a sunrise. Or a moonrise. Talk about major fails.

Another bunny sighting.
In the success column, I’ve seen several back yard bunnies. Or maybe more accurately, I've seen a bunny in the back yard on several occasions. It might be the same one each time, but today’s bunny looked like its fur was more red than the previous brown yard guests. It could have been the late afternoon light. 

Again, the bunny paused motionless in the yard while Winston wandered the perimeter until I sauntered over to interrupt his snacking. Win was about to indulge in his favorite snack, his own poop. Surprisingly, despite the late afternoon snack, he also ate his dinner without any begging and cajoling from me. Now I need to backtrack and try to recall what was in his bowl with his pricey prescription food that made it palatable. Maybe poo would help.

Summer supper.
My supper was a complex culinary feat of sliced tomatoes, slice cucumber, and a cheese and onion crustless quiche that may have a bit too much cheese. It was an innocent miscalculation. 

The recipe calls for “one block of Cracker Barrel cheese, grated.” I didn’t have a block of cheese, Cracker Barrel or any other brand, but I had a package of mixed thick cheese ends which were diced for the recipe. Cheese was diced with wild abandon and an utter neglect for measurement. It’s possible that twice as much went into the recipe. In the end, it tasted great.

As the quiche prep was taking place, bits of cuke and cheese were tossed into Winston’s bowl. The kibble went on top. He devoured it and I felt like some sort of superstar private chef to the Canine Overlord. Maybe diced cucumber and cheese in the regular food is the new magic recipe for fine canine dining. I better get chopping.

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