Friday, June 24, 2022

“Remoted – Hybrid” – Day 838 (Friday) – comfortable memories

In the memory chip of the York Beach vacation of nine years ago, on this date, the waves were a bit assertive and there was a tiny mishap. According to Facebook memories and a post from that day, and I quote, “Today’s report: Massive wave => swimsuit top off, sunglasses and hat afloat, and two purple toes. The Atlantic wins. I have tomorrow.”

South Union Shaker Village,
Kentucky - June 24, 2012
It was kind of hilarious but also a stern reminder of the power of the ocean. And purple is a good color. Very royal.

Ten years ago, a group of photographer friends and I went to the South Union Shaker Village in Kentucky. Most of us were in the Friends of Photography group in Clarksville, Tennessee. The day was spent with fun and inspiring photographers, beautifully crafted furniture, and peaceful household scenes. Photo group trips were always fun and I miss that crew. 

It was a beautiful, sunny day. Photographing buildings and inanimate objects is my “thing.” I can take as long as I want, and there is no living breathing subject waiting on me so something can happen. I shot 127 photos that day and when I got home and downloaded them to the computer, discovered there was some kind of dust or schmutz on either the lens or the mirror, leaving a small spot on many of them in the same spot in the frame. Errr….

Broom shop - South Union Shaker
Village, Kentucky - June 24, 2012

Eleven years ago, there was a battle with the Tennessee wildlife that was eating my garden. The slugs had eaten the marigolds, and the deer ate the tomato plants. Roma was the preferred tomato but they would settle for the grape tomato plants after polishing off the Roma. 

It’s fun visiting benign memories for a temporary retreat from the present, which lately, has been about as stressful as it could be. The news is unbearable on every front -- local, regional, and national. 

It feels like it may be time for a long-term retreat to the mindless fluff of the Hallmark Channel. The predictable plots where the worst thing that happens is it rains on the day of the big town festival or someone breaks a toe would be refreshing. Knowing from the beginning that everyone ends up okay in the end is comforting. Real life is not feeling very reassuring or comforting these days.

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