Friday, June 10, 2022

“Remoted – Hybrid” – Day 824 (Friday) – downtown walking

Another beautiful weather day, another quick afternoon walk downtown. It was a refreshing break from the desk, even though things were running great at the desk today. There were four people working on the floor and there was light conversation and fellowship. You know, the things that make working in an office fun and that provide energy to power through the work. 

Friday reflections in a store window.
Content was finished and polished and sent to a business line for review with a deadline of next Friday. In possibly the fastest review ever, all three articles were returned in a most expeditious manner with minor edits to one of them, and they were submitted for full review. Things were running on all cylinders today and it felt good.

The afternoon walk was to further stalk the Vintage Store that is in the process of setting up. Merrimack Street was abuzz with energy at 3:00. Outside the bakery, there was a cluster of student types and the scent of marijuana hung in the air. People walked along the sidewalks and ate at restaurant sidewalk tables.

Nobody was inside the vintage shop today, but there was a QR code inside the glass door. Since the pandemic, QR codes have made quite the comeback, and are now used for restaurant menus, beer lists, and links to websites in print ads. I hoped the QR code would lead me to a website for the store, but it opened a list of payment apps and Poshmark, the online secondhand site. There was also a link for an Instagram site for the store that has no content yet, but at least it’s a clue and I am now a follower on the site along with 125 other people.

Brick park tucked into downtown.
Life must have gotten pretty small for me when stalking a not yet opened vintage store and peeking in the windows ranks as a highlight for the day. Not just once, but twice in a week. It’s probably long past the time to bust things open and start living large again. 

One block away from Merrimack on Middle Street, it was another world. The sidewalks were nearly deserted and my favorite little all brick pocket park that makes me think of New York City was empty and quiet. The air smelled like grilled hamburgers, but I couldn't figure out from where it came. 

It was a nice walk. Rejuvenating. A sensory delight. I need to remember to do it more often.

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