Thursday, October 21, 2021

“Remoted – Hybrid” – Day 584 (Thursday)

This has been another drag-ass work week, and it’s not over yet. Only almost over.

It was the new same old with confusion over what day it is and where to go to make the work happen – downstairs or downtown. While walking from the garage to the office, I realized my phone was still at home. That required a snap decision to settle the debate of going back home to get it and being late for work versus winging it all day sans cell. Sometimes my phone is needed to execute work activities, so there was a legitimate degree of problem potential. The decision was to go phone free.

The view from the office window was another interesting sunny charcoal gray cloudy morning, and there was no phone to take a picture, but the pain lasted just a second or two. Lunch was the interesting and tasty leftover rice, Gardein pretend meat crumbles, and veggies from Wednesday’s supper. There was just one scheduled meeting and updates and info flowing in and around and across and back out. Then it was finally time to leave. At the end of the day, having survived the entire stretch of the very long feeling day cell phone-free, victory was declared. 

Maybe not so pretty, but tasty.
Upon arrival home, supper was again rice based, but this time it was with black beans, salsa, cheese, and corn chips. Instead of layering the components, everything was cooked together in the pot. The end result looked kind of skeevy, but it tasted really good. 

Food seems to be the one thing that anchors the days and the nights. Meals have been the constant thread through the initial days of remote life and the long stretch of uncertainty that followed, and now through the confusing alternating schedule of hybrid work days. No matter what else the day delivers, the kitchen, (and occasionally a restaurant) has delivered some form of lunch, then dinner, and sometimes a snack or two or ten in between. Hooray for a baseline of continuity.

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