Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Remoted - Hybrid” – Day 575 (Tuesday)

Today was one of those annoying days where there were about 1,000 minor annoyances that accumulated all day long. There were technology issues and email issues and basically every kind of issue. After work and a board meeting that had Zoom issues at my end, it was time to relax, feet up and TV on. That’s when the sudden disappearance of the Netflix app from the “Apps” menu was discovered. It was there last night. I was watching it. Now it’s gone.

Fine clothes I'll never afford
and fine recipes I can.
Then I checked the mail which had finally arrived. It's no longer a daily event so it feels special when it happens. The mailbox was full. There were a couple statements, a catalogue of fine clothing items I’ll never be able to afford unless I win the lottery or suddenly marry rich, a card, a few pieces of junk mail, and a puffy yellow envelope that instantly made the day better when I saw the return address. 

The envelope was from a friend who lives halfway across the country and contained a booklet of recipes for "Fine Finnish Foods" with a note. The recipes had been rescued from the “donate” pile during a home downsizing. It was so thoughtful and performed the miracle of shaking off most of the dust of the day. And the first page I flipped open to was a recipe for rutabaga casserole, which solves the produce drawer mystery of “what do I do with this rutabaga?” and will even use some of the jug of milk bought for the Finnish pancakes on Monday. Instantly winning! 

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