Thursday, May 27, 2021

“Remoted” – Day 437 (Thursday)

It was one of those days that was hopping busy and went by in a flash. A couple of us are out on vacation days Friday and things suddenly got busy this week so we were all trying to get things done before the end of the day. There were 10,000 emails, things entered for approval, new things hitting the to-do list. Oy.

Veggies and salami.
Suddenly it was 5:00, I was hungry, and there was no supper plan. Thank goodness the veggies arrived yesterday. Things were chopped – zucchini, summer squash, carrot, celery, mushroom, garlic, and halved grape tomatoes. There was a sprinkle of Italian seasonings and much mental debate about seasonings and sauces, but in the end the debate raged on so long that the veggies were cooked and no sauce emerged. In any event, it was good, topped with cheese and plated with Kalamata olives and thin sliced Genoa salami discovered in the deli when getting the cheese. 

Meanwhile, over at the dog bowls …. It’s been a week of rationing Winston’s prescription food since forgetting to get more while at the vet last Saturday. It’s down to literally counting kibble bits and stretching it with some of the general, non-prescription food that delivered in an order of 28 pounds just days before Winston was put on prescription food. The prescription food costs a million times more than the regular food and the dog food budget now eclipses the human grocery budget. For real, a seven-pound bag of the prescription food costs more than 28 pounds of the other food.

The week has included missed phone calls and crossed wires and cancelled online orders. The plan now is to pick up food from the vet tomorrow, because I’ll be near the office when I meet Mom to plant flowers on the family graves at the cemetery.

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