Saturday, May 15, 2021

“Remoted” – Day 425 (Saturday)

Today was a gorgeous day. It was sunny and warm with some clouds and white fluffy stuff that looks like snow or bits of cotton candy filling the air. This is the second day of the fluffy stuff. Mom and I were sitting on the deck chatting and trying to catch the elusive stuff as it floated on the air.

Fresh, glossy navy blue.
While we were doing this, StepDad was in the shed avoiding the fluff and spray painting my deck table to transform it from dark green to a glossy navy blue. The base was sprayed as I would have expected, but the technique for spraying the frame holding the glass top was amazing and I never would have thought to do it the way he did it. He suspended the table top from a beam across the shed using a wire through a screw hole in the edge. It was secured from moving with another wire through a second hole and anchored to a secure point. Tape protected the glass from overspray, and boom, he was done in no time. The base and the pole for the umbrella, and the finial at the top were also sprayed. 

The final step needed for sprucing up the deck furniture is addressing the highly faded umbrella fabric, which will be handled with fabric paint in a manner yet to be determined using materials yet to be acquired. Already, the table frame looks brand new. It didn’t look bad before, but I was tired of the color. Lately, I’m on a blue kick, and next up will be the foundation. The black peeling paint on the cinder block needs some love. And some filler between some of the blocks.

Branches that were not just overhanging the roof to my shed, but literally ON the roof were trimmed from the tree in a neighboring yard. It didn’t seem like many branches, but when they were in the yard it looked like a lot more. Then the chain saw started, Winston ran and ended up under some branches on the ground. He was getting a bit tangled and was visibly nervous, but before I could get to him, he freed himself and bolted for the deck. Poor little guy.  When the limbs were cut smaller, they filled the bed of the pickup truck and was definitely more than my yard waste bin can hold.

Maybe tomorrow I’ll get the fabric paint and tackle the umbrella. Deck goals 2021.

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