Sunday, May 16, 2021

“Remoted” – Day 426 (Sunday)

Another beautiful spring day of sun and blue sky and fluffy stuff floating in the air. My sinuses are paying the price for the past three days, which is a bummer after having zero allergy symptoms last year, but it could be much worse. It’s much better indoors than outside, so, despite the glorious weather, I ended up enjoying most of the day from the inside looking out. 

Tiny print for 312 pages. Penny for scale.
There was an attempt made to be outside to test the allergies and read an actual book to get away from the screens. The “Read a Book a Month” goal fell apart after January, and this afternoon, I went to the deck with Robert Penn Warren and Band of Angels. It’s probably a great book, but I may never fully know. It’s another one where the typeface is so frigging small it’s nearly impossible to read. Either people in 1955 when this edition was published had excellent vision, or the publisher made every effort to contain the page count and price with miniscule lettering. Holy crap. I made it to page eight before bailing, which is even less impressive considering the story starts on page three.

Videos were viewed and plans formulated for the resurrection of the faded patio umbrella. Sources for fabric paint have been located and a couple ideas are percolating. By next weekend the supplies will be procured, after mulling the ideas and the colors for a couple days. It’s quite probable help will be needed to get the umbrella out of the pole bracket and onto ground level to work on. Ideally, the floaty fluff will be gone when this painting project is finally executed. This is going to be fun. With luck, I won't lose interest before getting it done. 

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