Wednesday, August 5, 2020

“Remoted” – Workday 104 / Day 142 (Wednesday)

Winston being a good boy.
The week is passing quickly. I had expected this week before vacation to drag, but color me surprised, we’re chugging along at top speed. Loose ends are being tidied up and two recent, half-baked projects are currently in a state of suspended animation awaiting direction from their respective client departments or confirmation from an external partner. I’ll be drafting some notes for the folks who are in next week who are out this week, and in a couple cases it won’t be as simple as “done!”

Maybe I’ll toss some of the tiny, stupid housekeeping tasks done this week into my notes. Just for fun. That way, we can feel like things were accomplished. Project X – on hold. Project Y – in review (still). Weeding back flower bed – done. ABC website content – on hold. Sweep floor – done.

Moose being cute.
The household stuff had some revelations. For example, while waiting for the dogs to do their business in the back yard, instead of standing like a doofus and staring vacantly like I usually do, the past couple evenings I pulled weeds from the sorry excuse of a flower bed. The irises transplanted there are mostly just brown leaves now (let’s hope that’s not a bad sign), but the crabgrass enthusiastically invaded, making it one of the lushest, greenest spots in the front or back yard. And now, for a few days anyway, it’s weeded.

The weather was so breezy and pleasant this evening that the pups and I spent some time on the deck. I had a book and big glass of ice water and the dogs were less annoying and barky than usual, which felt like a miracle. I was able to read an entire chapter of a novel and lose five rounds of Candy Crush before they started being noisy and were shepherded inside. The small stretch of time was weird. I felt weird. Like, lightheaded? But not dizzy, and not in a bad way, like before fainting. Spacey? But not in a disoriented way. It’s entirely possible I may have actually felt relaxed. I think. It’s hard to remember, because it’s been so long, but now I’m imagining that’s what it feels like. It was nice. I hope it happens again soon. Maybe next week while on staycation I can cultivate the sensation again. 

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