Wednesday, August 12, 2020

“Remoted” – Day 149 (Wednesday)

Wednesday already. The day was mostly more of the same, as in, another successful execution of pretty much nothing. Breakfast was a tasty mashup of leftovers – omelet muffin cup with taco meat and rice, topped with a garden-fresh diced tomato. There was too much news reading, some novel reading, and a Finnish lesson (in a million more years I should be fluent), and of course, Facebook. 

Breakfast was at a “normal” time, but then it was ice cream at lunchtime, tomato pie mid-afternoon, and more ice cream at suppertime. There was today’s half-hearted attempt to convince myself to take the little road trip planned on Tuesday. At first, it seemed too early, then when it was around a good time to go, I remembered that my Misfits Market produce box was delivering from FedEx.

Produce day!
Generally, the FedEx driver does one of three things with the produce box. The box is either left on the asphalt walk in full sun; set on the top step against the front porch door, so when the door is opened from inside, the box topples down the stone and concrete stairs onto the asphalt walk; or, left in the full sun on the side deck just outside the door to the shaded porch. Option four, putting the box marked “produce” and “perishable” inside the sheltered porch is rarely used. Reasons one through three were the excuse for not going on my little outing today. The possibility of returning home to a box of produce cooking in the sun seemed too real. 

It was a good call to wait for the delivery. Today’s box was dumped with a big thud onto the side deck, just outside the door to the shaded porch, as if it had been lobbed from the back of the truck onto the deck. Luckily, the boxes have a lot of cushioned insulation and nothing was smashed. Not this time, anyway. By the time the produce was put away it was 2:00 and “too late” for my auto excursion. Not too late because I had something else to do at a set time, just vaguely “too late” in the nonexistent timetable of my day. Plus, it was 90 degrees out. So, I stayed home and did that “not a lot” stuff at which I am so skilled, including a napping.

No idea what I did, but I
hope I don't do it again.
The evening is when things got exciting. Around 8:00 I saw that I had a warning from Facebook that I violated “community standards,” but I have no idea when or how, even after combing my Activity Log. It’s the usual litany of likes on posts and occasional comments in various groups I’m in which include mid-century modern kitsch, breeze block, old homes, a local food group, and a Schitt’s Creek fan group. Foul language has miraculously been avoided, as have political comments. I type, then delete far more comments than I post. Did this morning's comment about screen porches somehow violate? Maybe I liked an offensive number of pictures of breeze block walls? There were no clues or specific posts referenced in the violation notice. Is this going on my permanent record? Not knowing my specific violation could kill me. It's fitting that tonight's Netflix viewing choice, even before learning about the unspecified violation, was Unsolved Mysteries

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