Sunday, June 30, 2024

random thoughts – Day 1,565 – (Sunday) – tired and sort of busy

Sleep stats.
To say I was tired today would have been a gross understatement. According to the sleep tracker on the fitness watch, Despite being in bed around 11:00, I enjoyed a mere three hours and twenty minutes of sleep overnight. I stayed up a little bit late reading the book club book (Silver Alert by Lee Smith), then couldn’t get to sleep. It was the annoying situation of being tired but not sleepy and not being able to get comfortable. It felt like I was awake all night, and seeing the data in the light of day confirmed it. Defeat was conceded and I got out of bed around 5:30, which is earlier than a work day and really frustrating. Coffee helped a little. 

There was a plan with Mom to empty my remaining items from the booth we shared at the antiques co-op and clean up the space for the end of our run. It was a little sad because it felt like there was some momentum going and I still had lots of stuff that could have gone in there as items turned over and space allowed. I hadn't even gotten to the vintage soup tureen, flatware and chest, and mid-century end table. And a lot of other stuff. Maybe I can find a similar space rental situation near me. Or just donate the stuff and be done with it quickly.

After the antique shop, the plan was to go out for for lunch, but that was scrapped at the last minute. I got gas at the low central Mass price of $2.97/gallon which always feels like a victory and then headed back home to grocery shop for the weekly salad fixings and Luigi’s Italian Ice. There was a delightful interaction with a petite older lady at the frozen dinner cases while I looked for the Bibigo Korean steamed dumplings found there once and never again since. Including today.

The tiny silver haired woman asked me to read the box she was holding and tell her if it could be cooked in her tiny oven (she showed me the size with her hands) or microwave. (The box had instructions for both.) She told me she is Chinese and described the wontons that she said Chinese people like that can be used in soup. She showed me the ravioli that she tried and said those are "too cheesy for Chinese people." She told me she used to live in North Dakota and there were no Chinese restaurants there, only American food and Mexican food and I think her food options have improved a bit.

By 3:00 this afternoon, I was fighting a strong desire to nap. Instead, I ate an Italian ice (strawberry). It didn’t help. Not like coffee would have, anyway, but at that hour, it would keep me up all night and I'm not in the mood for that again. By 4:00, I was "so tired I couldn’t keep my eyes straight," which is an expression Mom used to say and I know that feeling. For real. 

By then I was wondering what to do about supper, but couldn’t decide if I was hungry or just tired, and ate a bunch of strawberries while formulating a proper supper plan. 

The cheap and crappy frozen pizza for lunch ranked as unsatisfactory, but that didn't stop me from eating half of it. Supper ended up being ramen with broccoli, queso, and Korean hot pepper paste. Today suffered from questionable nutritional value, but I needed a break from salad and didn't feel like cooking. 

Another crazy forecast.
Sunday chores still need to be dealt with and the idea of it is making me even more tired. Wastebaskets need to be emptied and the litter box cleaned out for trash day. The yard waste needs to go to the curb with the trash bin. I was waiting to see if we would get any of the wild rainy and windy weather with “enhanced severe risk” of storms and possible tornado activity before hauling bins to the curb where they would have the chance to blow over or be carried away by running water. 

For the record, I thought I had left tornadoes behind when I left Tennessee, but whaddaya know, for the second time in a week, here we are with that word popping in a New England weather forecast. Hopefully, any storm activity will miss us again, although, there are a couple people I might not feel too sad about if I heard a twister took the opportunity to drop a house on them. So far, there has been no crazy weather and the sun is currently blazing. And I'm tired.

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