Sunday, June 2, 2024

random thoughts – Day 1,536 – (Sunday) – kiki nails

Queen of the stairs.
Kiki has changed her favorite hangout spot from the living room chair to halfway up the staircase. Unlike her previous stretch spent on the stairs, I am now allowed to approach, sit two steps below her, and pet her. Amazing progress. I am also allowed to slowly walk past her and continue up or down the stairs. Before, she would run downstairs and either hide in her bed or go into the living room and hide behind the couch when I arrived at the staircase.

When she hangs out in the dining room later in the evening, she sits under the dining table, sometimes watching me in the living room, and seems content. This might be a case of jumping to conclusions, but it seems she is settling in and becoming more comfortable. Of course, we are on the brink of another traumatic event, as I need to figure out how to trim her too long nails.

Keeks isn’t hostile, but she’s not yet a lap cat or cuddler and might never be. She's quick and crafty and has a great grasp of distance. She pulls her paws away when I touch them. It’s just scary to think that there is a good chance all the carefully cultivated goodwill and trust could be destroyed when I try to clip those nails.

Corduroy clouds.
This evening, because I’m a chicken and instead of terrorizing Kiki (and me) with the nail clippers, I went outside and sat on the deck and read. The air was warm and the clouds reminded me of corduroy or ripples. Later, I pulled some weeds before heading back inside. Then it got all glamorous with cleaning the litter box and prepping the trash. Anything to avoid the long overdue nail clipping and its imagined consequences. 

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