Friday, June 21, 2024

random thoughts – Day 1,556 – (Friday) – career lift

This was a week with tech lessons with the website and blog platform, ongoing progress with Kiki, and too many nights of waking up every hour, which may or not have been connected to some daytime headaches. And there was a discovery tonight while leaving work. I took a detour through the bank parking lot. And there it was, surrounded by empty parking spaces.

It glowed in the late afternoon night in green and white glory – a bucket lift, or as I imagined it, a modern-day version of the fabled career ladder. Less actual climbing, just push a button to make the right connections and enjoy the ride. 

Modern career ladder?
The lift was elevated, and from certain angles, it looked like it was at the height of the floor on which I work. It seemed like a sign, but what could it mean? Was the lift telling me that I have reached the 4th floor height of my career?

Maybe the message/sign wasn’t for me, and maybe it’s someone else’s career lift, although there were few other people around. A guy in a fedora sat in a shiny red convertible with the top down, checking his cell phone and looking a bit like a city-fied version of Malibu Ken. He seemed to have already arrived at someone’s coveted successful station in life. Perhaps he was returning the career ladder for someone else to use for a career boost.

More likely, it is waiting to be picked up from the filming that took place downtown this week, but dang, that almost sounds kind of boring.

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