Thursday, June 6, 2024

random thoughts – Day 1,540 – (Thursday) – working and hanging

Another day, another mow of the yard. It’s a guess that might be totally wrong, but it seems that I’ve already done more mows of the yard this year than some entire summers. On the bright side, it’s a free activity in the fresh air (pollen-fresh) with no driving required. There was cloud cover when I went out and it wasn't too hot. Even in long sleeves I didn't break a sweat.

In addition to the recently noticed freshly dug (kicked up?) dirt at the backyard end of the deck lattice, there is now a matching mess of it at the front of the house from under the porch lattice. This afternoon, Chuck was spotted again emerging from under the shed with a face full of dried leaves and traversing the yard diagonally towards the house/deck. It seems for sure like the groundhogs are moving to larger quarters. I wonder if they are also the culprits eating the mums and echinacea.

Kiki under a dining room chair.
After the evening mow and during a quick pause in the regular nightly Netflix consumption from the comfort of my usual post-work hangout on the futon, I headed to the kitchen. The lighting was dim and the unexpected sighting of Kiki startled me, which startled her, and she dashed off to the living room, her dainty overgrown nails clicking on the wood floor. 

Most of this week she has been camped out on the stairs during the day and comes out at night to relax  under the dining room table, under and amongst the chair legs. She has mastered evasive maneuvers and hiding out. Thank goodness for in-phone image editing that lets it look I can get closer to her than she usually lets me. 

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