Thursday, June 13, 2024

random thoughts – Day 1,547 – (Thursday) – mostly ordinary

It was mostly just an ordinary day with beautiful weather and not a cloud in the sky during the morning commute. The office was populated by five of us and it was as quiet as if I’d been at home. The progress on projects was good and the annoyances were minor. Lunch was a garden salad, satisfying when eaten, but by 4:00 I was starving. Not unusual.

The afternoon commute had lovely weather and the usual, predictable obnoxious drivers blocking intersections. Ordinary.

The approach to the house delivered a surprise that something grand had been delivered sometime during the day. With the exception of a white stretch limo parked in front the house across the street for a couple hours Wednesday night, it’s been rather quiet and uneventful on the street lately, and my guard was down. 

Tiny house? Large-ish RV?
The recent quietude made it a bit more startling to see the equivalent of a small house in the form of a rather large-ish Kodiak Express Ultra Lite RV parked across the from my driveway. The pullout sections protruded into the street to add an extra degree of surprise and difficulty when navigating ingress and egress to my own driveway. Good thing I love a challenge. 

It will be “exciting” to see how long it will be there, or more specifically, if it will still be there during one of the frequent cookouts and pool parties across the street that draw an average of a zillion vehicles parked haphazardly all over the street. 

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