Tuesday, June 11, 2024

random thoughts – Day 1,545 – (Tuesday) – not dull

Projects were ticking along and moving into the review phase. One file went into the system looking great, but when it was accessed in the program for the first review step (spelling and grammar), the line of text at the top of the document converted itself into numbers, aka total gibberish. Junk that is also impossible to review for spelling and grammar.

The designer checked the file and sent me a new one. It was checked, then loaded into the system and then checked again before being marked as fixed. The file did the same thing when opened in the program and the header was converted to numbers. Seriously? 

These used to be English words.

It seems when the file is opened in a browser, the top line is numbers instead of words. Why? Seriously, why? Now we have a mystery to solve before the project can be reviewed in the system. 

The door is open and these
used to be English words.
Also today, the car is back to flaunting its foreign language skills. The dashboard messaging is back to Italian for the second time in a week. Today, I got to enjoy Italian messages for “Door is open” and “Key is not in vehicle” and one or two others. Super fun. I mean, “super divertente.”

So far, the temperature is still holding in Fahrenheit. My trip downtown for a meeting after work was such a short drive there was no time or space to exceed the new 25 mph citywide speed limit by the seven mph to trigger the alert, so I don’t know if that message is back to kilometers. On Sunday it was definitely in miles and this should not be construed as a confession. 

Even when it's mostly quiet, the days are not dull.

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